CS:GO is one of the most popular games of all time and a definite number-one in terms of competitive shooters. To stay relevant for so long, a game has to possess many qualities, one of which is a fine balance of power. CS:GO boasts 33 guns, and each possesses its own strengths and weaknesses, pointing to a finely-tuned game, but some of them are better than others in certain situations due to their cost. We have a look at the best all-around guns to use in CS:GO and why they’re regarded as such.

Desert Eagle

Availability: Terrorists, Counter-Terrorists

Price: $700

The Desert Eagle is a Counter-Strike classic. It is one of the most powerful handguns you can buy, having the ability to one-shot anyone regardless of range, often rivaling assault rifles in that aspect. The Deagle is not a gun you can use for extended fire fights, as its huge recoil, small magazine size, and slow adjustment time will make life difficult for you, which is why you should really only buy it if you know what you’re doing.

CS:GO pros love the Desert Eagle because they possess the skill and precision to take advantage of its strengths while ignoring the gun’s weak points. While the Deagle isn’t the only gun that has the ability to one-shot a fully armored opponent, it boasts much better range, base damage, and standing accuracy than most pistols in the game.


Availability: Terrorists, Counter-Terrorists

Price: $4750

“One shot – one kill” is every AWP player’s motto. Much like the Deagle, the AWP is a heavily skill-dependent weapon. It requires a specific playstyle, good map knowledge, and plenty of practice to perfect, but in the right hands, it is the deadliest weapon in the game. This powerful sniper gives you the ability to one-shot anyone (as long as you’re aiming above the waist) with extreme accuracy. You “just” need to be fast enough to shoot before your target goes off-screen. Objectively speaking, there is no match for the AWP, but miss your shots often enough, and the tide may turn against you. The weapon is the definition of “high risk – high reward.”


Availability: Counter-Terrorists

Price: $3100

The good old “B43” is a weapon all Counter-Strike fans have been fond of since the game’s earliest days, as it’s one of the most consistent and reliable weapons you can possibly buy. The M4A4 possesses good all-around qualities that make it a desirable pick in almost any situation. It has a great fire rate, accuracy, and recoil, as well as a reasonable price. The M4A4 is designed to favor shooting in bursts, especially at long range, but it can be a good spray-shooter in close-quarters combat. The only time you will be disadvantaged by an M4A4 is in extremely close-range gunfights, but otherwise, you can’t go wrong with it.


Availability: Terrorists

Price: $2500

An AK-47, also known as Kalashnikov, is the strongest assault rifle in CS:GO in terms of pure raw power. It boasts an unparalleled first-shot accuracy, ridiculous penetration power, and fast reload times. When you consider its relatively low price for an assault rifle, the AK-47 is a no-brainer if you’re on the terrorist side. However, the rifle’s tricky recoil control makes it hard to use and a bad suitor for spray-shooting, which is why I wouldn’t recommend it to first-timers. On the flipside, the AK-47’s nuances shouldn’t take you more than a day or two of game time to master. Trust me; it would be absolutely worth your time.


Availability: Terrorists

Price: $3000

The SG553 is one of the most powerful assault rifles in the game. The weapon sports 100% armor penetration, making it suitable for one-shot headshots against enemies with max HP and armor, but its powerful bullet makes the SG533 weapon a real force in almost any situation, be it long- or mid-range combat.

What makes the SG553 truly stand out is its versatility, thanks to its powerful long-range scope that comes equipped out of the box. The scope lowers the weapon’s recoil even further and increases its accuracy while maintaining its fire power on the same level. The SG553’s weakness is that it’s the most expensive Terrorist assault rifle in the game, making it a second pick to the beloved AK-47, but the weapon is worth every penny in well-trained hands.


Availability: Terrorists, Counter-Terrorists

Price: $1200

If you happen to be low on cash at the start of a round, which is a common occurrence in CS:GO, then going the SMG route may be your best bet. For a low price of just $1200, the UMP-45 provides great bang for your buck thanks to its decent damage and solid accuracy at long range. The fact that it’s also a decent shooter on the move just seals the deal for this weapon when you consider its price. The P90 is the superior SMG is many situations, especially for spray shooting, but its $2350 price tag makes it the much less cost-effective option.


While this list can serve as a decent guideline on which weapon to choose when you’re firing away with your friends, it’s important to remember that there are different strokes for different folks. CS:GO boasts a myriad of weapons to choose from. It’s best to try out every weapon yourself for an extended period of time and see what suits you best.